
ESL Tutoring for Middle and High School Students
I am happy to help middle- and high-school ESL students practice their skills in English rhetoric and composition – and have fun while they do so!
I have five years of experience teaching English to children who are English as a second (or third or fourth!) language. I taught ESL at Interlochen Academy of the Arts, and I have worked as an online ESL teacher at School of Leadership Afghanistan. One of my beloved students published a book of some of the essays we worked on together over the course of three years, which you can find here. My approach to ESL instruction uniquely focuses on the teaching of language through creative writing, rather than through the rote memorization of grammatical structures.
In my experience, this approach is a much more joyful, creative, and effective way to learn English, especially if you do not speak English at home. Students signing up for these sessions must have had at least two years of formal English instruction prior to our first meeting; I offer a free half-hour Zoom meeting before we begin working together, just to get a sense of whether my approach will help you achieve your goals. As with all my offerings, my tutoring takes into consideration the spiritual dimension of human experience, so that you can feel completely supported, as you leap into this process with a full, open heart.
Sessions are $200 per hour

Discussion-Based Learning Tutoring
Discussions in humanities classes can be daunting! I can help any student develop the skills and confidence he/she/they might need in order to enter a conversation in a humanities class confidently and compellingly, and I can also help any student prepare excellently for daily discussions.
International students often find these sessions extremely helpful, especially if they are transitioning from a particular educational system that does not cultivate discussion-based learning skills.
Sessions are $200 per hour
Tutoring for 8th Graders
I offer tutoring services for eighth-graders who may be struggling in their English or history courses, or to eighth-graders who would like to get a headstart in learning high-school level English rhetoric and composition.
I particularly specialize in
Helping American eighth-grade students prepare to write at the high-school level and
Preparing middle-school students in countries other than the United States for the demands of English and history courses in American college preparatory schools.
I have taught history courses for the YESSAT program in Shanghai, China, and I have taught English to middle-school students attending School of Leadership Afghanistan.
Do you need: help brainstorming an idea? Organizing your thought process? Clearly articulating your excellent ideas through your writing? Integrating your teacher’s feedback into your next writing assignment?
I am happy to help and can be a resource at any stage of the writing process.
As with all my offerings, my tutoring takes into consideration the spiritual dimension of human experience, so that you can feel completely supported, as you leap into this process with a full, open heart.
Sessions are $200 per hour

High School Tutoring
I offer tutoring services for high school students who may be struggling in any of their English, history, religion, political science, or philosophy courses.
I taught classes in all of these fields for nearly a decade at Phillips Exeter Academy and St. Paul’s School, and nothing would bring me more joy than to see you succeed in these areas!
Do you need: help brainstorming an idea? Organizing your thought process? Clearly articulating your excellent ideas through your writing? Integrating your teacher’s feedback into your next writing assignment?
I can be a resource at any stage of the writing process. Whether you are working on an English paper, a document-based analysis, or a piece of creative writing, I am happy to help! I am an expert in both private and public high school curricula in the humanities, and I am eager to support students from all educational backgrounds. I particularly specialize in helping students organize their ideas efficiently and create a writing process that feels both empowering and tailored specifically to their own ways of thinking and being in the world.
The titles of high school courses I have taught in the past include: Introduction to Creative Writing; American Literature, Postcolonial Literature; US History, Global History; Religion and Literature; Introduction to Philosophy; Religion and Popular Culture; Faith and Doubt; Death and Dying in World Religions; Imagining Your Future; Social Ethics; Global Ethics; Zen Buddhism; East Asian Ways of Knowing; Hinduism and Buddhism; Christianities; Hebrew Bible; and Bioethics.
As with all my offerings, my tutoring takes into consideration the spiritual dimension of human experience, so that you can feel completely supported, as you leap into this process with a full, open heart.
Sessions are $200 per hour

Tutoring for College Students
The transition from high school writing to college writing can be daunting. I am happy to help any college freshman who may be struggling with making this transition, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Whether you are working on a paper for a class in English, history, philosophy, or political science, I am happy to help. I have trained as a rhetoric and composition teacher of Emerson College’s WR101 course, and I specialize in helping college freshmen practice writing essays in various modes and genres.
Do you need: help brainstorming an idea? Organizing your thought process? Clearly articulating your excellent ideas through your writing? Integrating your teacher’s feedback into your next writing assignment? I can be a resource at any stage of the writing process.
As with all my offerings, my tutoring takes into consideration the spiritual dimension of human experience, so that you can feel completely supported, as you leap into this process with a full, open heart.